Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beginning again.

First things first...HELLO!! It's been at least 6 months since I've posted on this blog. Life has been extremely crazy and I hardly know where to begin. I will, however, begin again.
At this point I am in Columbus, Ohio with 2.5 weeks more to go in my pediatric anesthesia clinical assignment at Nationwide Children's Hospital. It has been a pretty great summer. I've taken a few weekend trips and have had an amazing time.
Currently, I am waiting on the completion of my divorce papers. I have been hoping to have the process completed by the time I return to Nashville in August, but at this point it's not looking likely thanks to those in the legal profession who do not share my sense of urgency.
As far as family, my mom is doing great. She is currently on maintenance Rituxin therapy for her lymphoma. Her hair has grown back and she is preparing to go back to teaching this fall. My brother and SIL are expecting their 4th child in September...it's a boy!!!...finally!!!...and we couldn't be more excited. Maybe he will come on my birthday...I hope, I hope, I hope.
My best friend's triplets are doing great, growing like weeds, walking, jabbering, being just amazing.
All in all my life is very blessed. I cannot complain.