Saturday, September 27, 2008


9/27 we rode 61.5 mi. Total time 5:02, ride time 4:40, 13.1mph average.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

69.7...we'll call it 70, ok?

Yep, that's right, I finally reached the 70 mile mark. And in typical fashion, I started hurting around mile 57...10 miles (or so) before the finish. BUT, I did finish!! (5:39 total ride time; 5:11 cycle time). We rode a portion of the Natchez Trace Parkway, and what a hilly experience! I take comfort in knowing how flat Tucson will be in comparison to these rolling hills of Middle Tennessee.
Thankfully, my husband cleaned the tub for me and I was able to soak in Epsom salts when I got home. I truly believe that's why I'm able to function so well today.

My recommitment date for the El Tour de Tucson event is 9/26/08, and I will absolutely be recommitting. Thanks to each of you for your prayers and donations. I would not have made it this far without each of you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yesterday I turned *#. (Yeah, I'm not telling you.) It was another day. I got out of the OR a bit early, as a birthday gift from my preceptor, and took Riley to the dog park. The day was gorgeous...80 degrees and slightly breezy. We met our friends Gwen (who encouraged me to go to anesthesia school); Luke, her 6.5 week old son; and their dog, Molly, at the park and had a wonderful time of conversation and friendship. On the way home I rubbed my eyes, and set off a really bad allergy attack. That basically ruined the rest of the day for me (sniffle, sneeze, moan).
However, I got many birthday wishes via email, facebook (who would've guessed), voicemail, and texts. Thank God for technology!!! I even heard from my high school youth pastor. His daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma last year and is now in remission, and he is a cyclist as well. It was great to catch up with him.
Today I got some belated wishes via voicemail songs from my friend, Sarah, an opera soprano; and from my sweet nieces. So, despite the early blooming of ragweed that tried to ruin my birthday, I have been blessed with many wishes and love from family and friends.
Who could ask for a better birthday?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Great News from my dad, Dale

Great news!
Today, 9/10/08 we spoke with Dr. Rufo in Sedona, and he read the results of Debbie's bone marrow and PET scan tests."No indication of Lymphocites (Lymphoma) in the body."!!! Almost no (much less than 1%) cancer cells in the bone marrow!!! WOW! What a mighty God we serve!
Dr. Rufo was quite surprised and very pleased.
God is so faithful and merciful, often beyond our greatest hopes and prayers.
Debbie will now be on a "maintenance" program for the next two years, where she will receive one drug (Rituxan), once a week for only two weeks every three months. No other chemo drugs for at least two years! Needless to say, we are VERY happy.
Thank you all for your faithful and obviously effectual prayers. And thank God!
Dale and Debbie

Saturday, September 6, 2008

61 miles...can I get a wheelchair?

Today I completed a 61 mile ride in 4:24 (cycle time)/5:05 (total ride time). It was a much hillier ride than last weekend in Clarksville, so the increased time is to be expected. We averaged 13.4mph versus 15mph last weekend.
Here's the problem...I hurt. A lot. Everywhere. I struggle getting up the stairs because it feels like my legs have done 1000 squats and lunges and like they're sunburned on the inside (what in the world?). I can't open jars or bottles because my hands don't have any grip strength. My left elbow doesn't straighten out without feeling like there's an ice pick in the joint. My lower back is stiff, my upper back is sore, my neck is tight, my seat...well, let's just say it doesn't like sitting. If I could just sit in a wheelchair on one of those donut cushions and get pushed around for a few days...I might recover. Oh, wait, I have patients to take care of, laundry to do, food to cook, etc.
Even so, I'm confident that I will recover, someday.
By the time I have to ride this distance again, I'll be a year older. I can only hope I'll get stronger at this and feel better during these rides.
The coolest part of the whole day...I finished ahead of my entire team. Granted, it was only by a bike length, but I did beat my pro-triathelete coach. The fact that she has a race tomorrow and was likely taking it easy isn't the point. Help a girl out, here.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Today is my mom's *#th birthday!! (No. I'm not going to disclose her age. Do you think I'm crazy??) It's so exciting to be able to celebrate this special day with her. We cannot be more thankful that my mom is doing so well after her chemotherapy and that we have her with us to celebrate her birthday!!!

(mom and Gracie, her eldest granddaughter)
It was no coincidence that today, mom's birthday, was my personal fundraising deadline for the Team In Training century ride. Therefore, with the celebration of her birthday in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those, anonymous and named, who have donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to honor her and to support me on the century ride. I am 3/4 of the way to reaching my fundraising total. Your generosity has touched both me and my family. We continue to pray that the research done by LLS and others will find a cure for blood cancers, including hers, and that we will have many great birthday celebrations for years to come. Saturday, November 22nd will be one of the great experiences of my life as I ride across the finish line and see my mom and family. It is because of each of you that I will have this great opportunity. Words cannot express how honored I truly am - thank you. May God bless each of you and yours.