Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Surviving the Elements

Today's plan: ride 80 miles on the Natchez Trace.
Today's forecast: high 50 degrees, winds 10-15 mph, clear and sunny.
Today's outcome: my coach Roger and I rode 78 miles. It took us 6:05 bike time; 7:20 total ride time. And we TOTALLY FROZE!! It never reached above 56 degrees (in over 7 hours!!), and those "winds" ended up being head-winds over 80% of the time we were on the bike. We looked at each other when we got out of the car at the parking lot where we started and bluntly told each other we were rediculously crazy for even thinking of riding in these conditions. But for me, the bottom line is that my mom didn't get to choose to have cancer, or select which grueling side effects of chemo she would prefer, so I can't let the conditions around me dictate whether or not I will complete the training for this century ride.

At our 50 mile rest stop we actually had people comment to us that it was a beautiful day for a bike ride. WHAT??? It was a beautiful day to look out your kitchen window while sipping hot tea and see the bright sun and "breeze," but there was nothing beautiful about riding a bike in that weather. The best part...it was the coldest day so far this fall, and the temp tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60's. Let's hear it for life and schedules dictating your life and schedule. (I'm certain some of you will understand what that means.)

Just so you have a true respect for what I went through, here's a photo of me at the end of the ride. No, I'm not wearing scuba gear. Please note the long thermal pants, full-finger gloves (with hand warmers beneath), the wind-resistant/water-proof red exoskeleton jacket, and the black skull-cap with ear flaps under my helmet. What you can't see is the long-sleeved jersey below the jacket.
A word of advice: these conditions take a toll on your ears, and I was given the tip to use the waxy-type ear plugs (think swimming gear) to block the wind from entering your ear canal. Holy Mackrel, what a difference ear plugs make. Anyway...gaze at my brilliance!

Finally, forgive my strange smile, I'm undergoing dental reconstruction and have issues with my smile...remember that the camera adds 10 lbs...and give me serious credit for posting a photo of myself wearing spandex!!!


Kristi said...


And yeah, that's totally what I did on Tuesday too. ;)

angie said...

Go you!