Saturday, June 28, 2008

If it's not one's another

Alright, so hills are not the total bane of my existence. I did hill repeats last Tuesday evening...10 of them...not 20-25 as recommended. But, apparently they paid off.
I went on a 20 mile ride today with my training team. We rode the Shelby Street pedestrian bridge in downtown Nashville and it wasn't so bad! Another hill leading to the Cumberland River pedestrian bridge hardly phased me. Coach Katherine was quite encouraging that the hill repeats had paid off.
However, I have a new obstacle to overcome. My right foot seems to be going numb about 15miles into my rides. Today the numbness led to cramping in my right calf and then seemed to spread to aching and tingling in the right side of my groin where I contact the saddle. I had to quit the ride early, instead of completing the 30 miles originally scheduled. We tried to adjust the cleats on my shoes, but to no avail. So, apparently, I need to do some stretching and maybe some yoga. I'll also be visiting a local bike shop to get their input on what may be causing my numb, cramping, irritating foot, calf, and bum.
Any suggestions? I'd love to hear them!! Well, I'm off to practice facing downward like a dog, posing like a child, or something.
Our next ride will be an "easy" 10-15mile out & back from Belle Meade Boulevard (where Al Gore's house has a monthly carbon-footprint the same as the yearly average of most Americans...akin to a wooly mammoth versus a wolf) to Radnor Lake, one of the most serene places within the city limits of Nashville. What beautiful dichotomy. I love Nashville.

1 comment:

kristi said...

Stinkin' foot. Good thing you have another one! Oh, wait...