Monday, June 16, 2008


Well, at least I can say I had good aspirations and intentions. I gave the 1/2 marathon training program the "old college try". But to no avail. My left knee insisted (make that insists) on causing me pain during and after my runs, (and, really, all the time now) as well as giving off this great grinding sound when I sit, stand, ascend or descend stairs, get the idea. Given this unfortunate turn of events, I have withdrawn from the 1/2 marathon. BUT WAIT, fear not! I am still training. Thankfully my knee rather enjoys pushing my foot down onto the pedal of my bike, so I have switched to the century ride.
For those who are unfamiliar with cycling events (I was until about 1 month ago), a century ride is roughly 100 miles! That's right, you thought it was hard to sit in an office chair all day? Try sitting on a bike seat (or saddle, as they are called) for anywhere up to about 10hours. The great news about the century ride is that I will still be raising money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society with Team in Training. Not only that, but the century ride is in Tucson, Arizona the Saturday before Thanksgiving (Nov 22). Mom is planning to come down and see me ride, and we will try to get the family together for an early Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for this year (and every year, really).
So that's the latest. I will try and be more consistent about posting. Right now it's after midnight and I have 2 exams tomorrow (today) that I need to go study for.
God Bless, Amanda

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Good to know what we're planning. :) Sorry for the owies, but yay for the riding! I once (or thrice) rode about 38 miles and felt I could walk to the moon. I'm sure after 100 miles you will feel like you can walk to uh... some unknown planet that thinks we earthlings are uh, something.... I've just had a glass of wine (and whine), can you tell?!

Love you!